Monday, December 8, 2008

Dec 08: Why I really made Meatloaf

To appease my craving for a meatloaf sandwich.
No fancy bread. No fancy cheese or grilling.

Just a couple cold slices of meatloaf between soft supermarket bread, mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper.


  1. A man after my own heart - meatloaf is great on sangers the next day. I make my meatloaf to be eaten cold (extra oyster and chilli sauce). Meatloaf is NOT a common dish in Australia since it is expensive and whole meat is much cheaper than mince. Also I do the whole hard-boilded eggs in the meatloaf for picnics - very similar to Scotch Eggs which are great for picnics.

  2. Oyster sauce goes very well with beef. The sauce has the "new" 5th flavor, unami. Good stuff!

  3. I would like to see a meatloaf with whole hard-boiled eggs - sounds great!

    What is a Scotch egg? Interesting Audax!


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