Thursday, January 1, 2009

Jan 01, 2009: Happy New Year!

Well... no pictures of fireworks or the ball falling on Times Square, but I do have food pictures from the rest of the trip.

Finnish Nissua - Nana and K made this traditional Finnish bread for Christmas.

Steamed Dumplings - I'm relegated to making the wrapper while my mom does the fancy folding.

Yuan (mochi balls in a sweet syrup) - eaten for a lucky new year?

Dining out:
BBQ at Mo's - Ribs and a pulled pork sandwhich with two sides

Blue cheese burger at Lahaina's

Dim Sum
Custard Tarts, Coconut rolls and Pineapple Buns

Hau Gau - Shrimp Dumplings

Sui Mai - Pork Dumpligs

Chinese Broccoli drizzled with Oyster Sauce

Crab Puffs

Rice noodles stuffed with shrimp

Taro Croquette

Clams in Black Bean Sauce

Eggplant stuffed with shrimp paste

Happy New Year!
Not shown are the "Good Luck" foods that one eats for a great year.
In the US, that's black-eyed peas, especially if you're from the South.
Hopefully, I ate a wide enough variety of foods to cover the lucky foods from many cultures... lol. :-)


  1. Finnish Nissua John I'm Finnish good to see that you have very wise food taste. Many posts lately, love the photo of the dogs.

  2. Audax... Yes, many post these past few days. I've been catching up on my blog post. Ah... you know what nissua is. Do you make it?


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