My craving for the day is Thai Red Curry.
The Fixins'
1 Can (13.5 fl oz) Coconut Milk
1.5 T (30 g) Red Curry Paste
1/2 Jalapeno, sliced
1 T Shallots, sliced
1/2 t Lemon zest, light chopped
2 or 3 small pieces, Rock Candy
2 Cloves Garlic, coarse chop
1/4 C Lemon Juice
1 T Fish Sauce
1.5 C Japanese Eggplant, large cuts
The coconut milk and red curry.

Going clockwise: Jalapeno, shallots, lemon zest, rock candy and garlic (in the center)

Open the can of coconut milk (don't shake). The top layer is usually the coconut oils.
Spoon the top layer into the pot and fry the red curry paste (to release the flavors).
After a minute, add the shallots, jalapeno, lemon zest, garlic and eggplant.
Cook another 5 minutes before adding the rest of the coconut.

Add the rock candy and beef... simmer about 10 minutes.

The Final Dish
Thai Red Curry Beef with Eggplant over rice.

I'm accustomed to red curry that's a little more brighter red. However, the flavor was nice and had a nice little zing. The instructions on the red curry paste calls for 50 g (estimated 2 T) per 2 C of coconut milk. I used 1.5 T per can of coconut milk. Next time, 2 T per 1 can of coconut milk would be just the right heat for me.
Overall, the red curry had nice flavor, aromatic and slightly spicy. The Japanese eggplant is sweeter than a regular purple eggplant. The beef was flavorful and did soften in the curry.
Also, the dish was quick to prepare... about 30 minutes.
The sunflower seeds are sprouting. That's four days from sowing into the flat. Nothing from the Thai Basil (not shown)

Is the rock candy just like what it sounds -- sugar? Can you just use granulated?
Yes, it's just sugar in a large crystal form. Granulated sugar should work. Maybe a mix of granulated and a touch of brown would add more flavor.
I've seen palm sugar at the Asian market, which I believe is more traditional in Thai cooking. I don't know what it taste like, but will pick up a package the next time I'm at the market. Just to give it a try.
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