My brother, J, and his wife, A, are proud parents of a new baby boy. The primary reason for my vacation was to see my new nephew, CT, and visit my parents.
First, I had to get there so I packed up my car, loaded the two beagles, myself and hit the road for our two day car trip to California. We are the Traveling Trio.
After a 10/11 hour drive, we were ready for our first nights sleep.
The boys were also tired and doing a quality control check on the bed, known as the Roll Test. :-)

The next day. The plan is to handover the boys to S and daughter K. They'll take the two boys for a few days while I continue on to visit my parents and my brother's family.
We were definitely getting a little weary being in the car. Also, we're not used to the warm, bright thing floating in the sky, Sol. We must be in California!
Catching a few rays and breathing in the fresh air.

Afterwards, I made it to my parent's house and rested. Over the next few days with my new digital camera I took many, many pictures of my nephew.
CT posing on the couch - having watched too much Star Trek growing up, when ever I see a baby on a couch I am reminded of the episode, The Corbomite Maneuver, where Balok, played by a very young Clint Howard, offers the landing party tranya.
However, no tranya here. :-)
Just a very cute baby boy!
Giving the camera a look ala Zoolander?

Uncle, me, gets to hold the baby.
Look no crying or screaming. :-)

Congratulations to J and A on their baby boy!
Sounds like you had a long drive! But being able to see your family made it all worth the trip. Love the beagle shot! lol The dorable duo in action. Now, it also has to be said... cutest baby ever! You must be a very proud uncle. And, of course, he must be a very proud nephew! Congratulations to you and your family!
Yes, it was very much worth the trip. Thank you !
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